Many times persons do not become empowered because they see obstacles as an instruction to give up. Yet for other people, obstacles are an invitation to advance and to find ways of overcoming the odds.
Mervin Thompson is one such person. There is a link to a newspaper article below with regards to how he overcame. Let us look at some secrets to overcoming the odds that we can learn from his experience.
Have a vision and never let it go. Mervin had a vision about his working life from age 11. His mother had other dreams for him but he did not let this stop him.
Mervin started with whatever small opportunities he could find. He did not look down on doing menial jobs on the way to fulfilling his dreams. He did not let financial deprivation and childhood disadvantages hold him back.
Mervin did whatever honest work came to hand until he landed his opportunity. He was willing to sleep in the market and push handcarts on his way to empowerment.
Others taking advantages of him such as robbery did not prevent Mervin from getting back on the street.
He became very innovative in creating opportunities in providing services to people however small.
He was willing to save despite small earnings. This is a critical financial path to successful business.
He marketed his services. He took opportunities to learn his craft to become certified.
Mervin found innovative methods to acquire equipment and to get others on board to help him establish his business.
He took advantage of every opportunity. Always being prepared for these to come.
He became a mentor to youth who started where he did to prevent them from using their obstacles as reasons to quit.
He says “Hope is there as long as you are alive and have ambition. Hope come with ambition, It nuh come with education; it nuh come with money; It nuh come with degree; it nuh come with a diploma, it nuh come with nothing. Mi can show man who can’t spell his name and him a make money, “
Financial Independence does not come just by having a job. Many jobs are low skilled or unskilled and thus millions of persons end up being “disposable” depending on the market or the “whims and fancies” of employers.
Copeland Johnson featured in the link below has shared that “it is important to have a trade, because anyone who does will never go hungry. There will always be a need for you and the service you offer”.
These are some of the secrets of financial independence through skills that we learn from him:
Develop curiosity for new learning.
If you are employed, learn a skill during your spare time.
Try to pick up new skills quickly.
Encourage all young persons to “learn a trade”.
Ensure that you have the inner ability to perform your skill well.
Don’t be afraid to try out a variety of skills and methods of productivity.
Be creative.
Ensure that you have the appropriate tools, whether physical or the related knowledge.
Discover your best specialty.
“The world beat a path to the person who builds the best mousetrap”. People always seek out products or services that add value to their lives. Be prepared for much time and effort in utilizing your skill for quality production.
Use Google or YouTube and other internet resources to aide in your learning.
Be ready to learn through apprenticeship, whether formal or informal.
Let your concern for looking after your family and the needy be a strong motivating factor for earning through your own practical abilities.
Production for export is a pillar of any national community. Here is the story of a relatively “small” Jamaican farmer who has produced well.
How did he do it?
He persevered natural disasters.
Fought blockages by bureaucracy.
Did his own research and innovation for better production.
Formed a Farmers’ Association or advocacy group.
He lobbied the government.
He got financial help from Funding Agencies and expert advice for the farmers’ co-operative.
He was environmentally aware- avoiding pesticide use.
Above all, he was passionate.
Read the entire story of this “One man and his cocoa kingdom”.