Dr. Turner Pryce who recovered from Stage 2 invasive breast cancer did not go under in despair. She turned adversity into service to help others in similar situations. The lessons we learn from her experiences include;
Being Solution Oriented
Being prepared to do one’s research for better service even to the point of gaining suitable qualifications if necessary
Sharing the positive results of healthy lifestyle changes with others .
Dr. Turner Pryce made promoting healthy lifestyles into a business. She showed enterprise and innovation in sharing. All of us do not necessarily have to go into businesses but we can still display these qualities in other ways as we help others.
Developing her own lifestyle changes including attending self-help or gymnasium-based classes.
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The story of Paul Blake seems miraculous! He was someone who was called a “dunce” as a child because he was a slow learner. Despite this, he has ended up running a company “Words Worthit Motivational Speaking and Training Co. Ltd ” From that platform he seeks to help persons move themselves from assuming failure to being successful.
Some of the lessons that we can learn from his experience include;
Utilize the empowerment of spiritual faith.
Being part of a fellowship in a faith community will enable other persons to encourage you.
Develop your potential through adequate education & training.
Strive for excellence in your personal development.
Paul Blake says “ People can change the course of there lives by learning how to channel there energy into positive thinking.
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We cannot ignore the realities of racial or ethnic intolerance and oppression in preventing the empowerment of persons individually or collectively.
In any ethic group throughout history, mass denials of human rights have affected the stability of mind, body, spirit and social relationships across many generations.
The only way to overcome the trauma of our individual or collective past is to face it, heal the hurts and develop strategies to overcome any continuing influences.
Let us be innovative in coming up with practical solutions.
See some useful articles below.
Empowerment conquers all!!