These are the real people who empower others and take them out of poverty. Poverty most often  comes from a history of colonial oppression, subsequent state neglect and current global capitalist marginalization. It is essentially a state of imposed powerlessness.
Change agents  for empowerment have a vision of what can be and of the inner dignity and potential of all. They display caring, a will to use innovation and advocacy. They are team mobilizers and involve other volunteers as well as corporate partners.
What can each of us do to become a change agent. Are we prepared to develop these qualities? Where are we?
See how one of  Jamaica’s young change agent is making a difference:
These persons are a part of the backbone of Jamaica.
Let us:
* Buy their produce and
* Advocate for better agriculture.
This means better wellness for all through healthy eating.
Success is a combination of vision, perseverance and a willingness to fail and get up again. Let us take courage from Alia.
See this link for her inspiring address after being named Jamaica’s 2014 Sportswoman of the Year: Find a cause worth fighting for