The human local community is one of the greatest agents of change in a society. Few things are as powerful as the teamwork of a passionate community. Each member of the team brings their own expertise and other unique contributions and together make a powerful whole.
The purpose of a politician is not to pamper community members with handouts. Rather, the politician is an agent of the community. He or she is there to help motivate them towards joint action and also to help ensure that they get the support of the institutions of the states that they are due. This includes amenities such as good roads, adequate water supply, electricity as well as education and health services.
Sometimes for various reasons, the state may not come through adequately, but nevertheless, a progressive community will focus on self-help and cooperation to help ensure the fulfillment of their needs. This is what the people of Epworth in St. Ann have done.
We see where over the last quarter century, a senior teacher thought of quitting due to the poor state of the roads. Some of her colleagues actually had to leave their vehicles and walk part of the way. Fortunately, the people of Epworth did not give up. They were able to develop a partnership with community-oriented organisations such as the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF), as well as putting their own collecting money into the project. The Epworth community development group sought to work together to maintain the repaired roads over time.
The partnership was not about fostering dependence but through collaboration the community made their input to sustain the future of their residents. Other benefits from community action included access to agricultural supplies as well as sales of produce to outsiders. I hope that whoever reads this can seek to become part of empowerment through community action.
Open the link to read more about the people of Epworth from the Observer newspaper.
The best way to help enable self-empowerment by other persons is to add value to their lives through personal development coaching .This is exactly what Althea Laing, past teacher and one of Jamaica’s previous outstanding models has done.
Being a coach and role model helps to give others the tools to do well in life. Very important aspects include building motivation, confidence as well as skills such as public speaking, posture, poise, social speaking and etiquette.
The truly empowered person will have the grace to talk with kings and the humility to be the brother or sister of the poor.
Althea Laing has devoted much of her life and her personal finances to empowering young women through these means.
The article below shares about her methods and the success of persons who have benefited from her contribution.
May each one of us find someone whom we can coach to make a better way in life.
The Majority of people of African descent came to the Caribbean through slavery. It therefore means that for these persons life has been a struggle of social mobility starting from the plantation. In one sense, the story of the majority Jamaicans is one of how to break the glass ceiling of poverty in order to have a meaningful and fulfilling life.
This is a journey of empowerment.
In Omar Richardson’s own such journey he was prepared to achieve the opportunity to enroll in college by any honest means possible. This included including becoming a street sweeper.
Lessons learn from Omar’s experience include the following:
He has been industrious in his work.
He was not embarrassed to do what seems menial while being a student.
Even though he is a third-year marketing students he still will sweep the street if the need arises. He does his work with pride.
He focuses on careful planning of his time and habits which has ensured a balanced life and academic success.
Omar in his ambitious has sought multiple means of earning.
As someone else said about him “not withstanding the impediments, struggles and difficulties that comes with being a student. He understands hard work is what is necessary to become successful”.
The difference between the plantation and success is the power of internal motivation, determination and vision. This is in contrast to outer shame, lack of confidence and a sense of powerlessness.